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YE-218C 鞋面翘度定型机

发布时间:2018-8-28 10:07:02


YE-218C 鞋面翘度定型机Instep Crimping and Combing Machine 对车缝好的鞋面同时进行翘度定型,贴合及烫平,便鞋面兴楦头完美贴合。 定型模万能,适用于各类男、女、童鞋鞋面。 气囊定型模的硬度可由气压调节,以获得不同的鞋面定型翘度。 调整压的角度,可获得不同长度, 翘度的定型效果。 鞋跟高度在2.5-11CM之间的鞋面均适用。   The mould is universal, suitablefor any design of upper (men's, women's, children's) . Thanks to the simple adjustmentsthe procedure of the upper  crimping can be variable and very easy. Thanks to the pneumaticallyadjustable hardness of the cushion, a wider range of angles can beachieved. Dimensions Voltage Weight Power Air pressure 220V/50HZ 0.8KW